Thursday, August 11, 2011

Apple Plum Reduction

1  apple diced - i had a green apple that was in the fridge for quiet a while
1 plum - diced
1" Cinnamon
2 bay leaves
3/4 cup sugar ( add more if you like to)
2Tbsp water

In a pan all the ingredients along with 2Tbsp sugar and cook it over low - medium flame
Once the apple becomes soft add the remaining sugar and cook until all the ingredients have blended well and the fruits are very soft - turned into a semi solid form

Once done cool and blend it into a paste ( if you dont want a strong flavor , remove the spices, I went on to keep it and blended it all together)
Strain the paste and store it in an air - tight container

This can be used for a variety of stuffs........Like ice tea - over ice creams - mix fruits experiment yourself!!!

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