Friday, May 13, 2011

Garnishing Your Way

Nothing transforms your ordinary dish into an extra-ordinary one more quickly than a Garnish....It's always best to make garnishes just before serving; however, if making garnishes in advance, store like you would similar foods – cover with plastic wrap or place in an airtight bag or container and here you go with a few tips for a quick set garnish ...............

Tools: There are many tools available to make beautiful garnishes and edible decorations. If you are just learning, all you really need to begin is a sharp paring knife; a small, sharp, serrated knife; and a melon baller

Once you have mastered some simple techniques with these items, you can add other useful tools like a butter curler, a grapefruit knife, various shapes of small cookie cutter and a hand grater with a small section of holes and a larger section of holes. Wooden toothpicks and skewers are also used for more complex garnishes.

Lemons, limes, and oranges are extremely versatile. Slice them thin, cut them into wedges, or spiral-score their rinds and use them whole for tremendous visual appeal! Save the spiral curl from scoring the rind and use that for embellishment as well!

Fresh cranberries, rasperries, and blueberries are very attractive on a food table! Use them on top of desserts, or pair them with a sprig of fresh herbs for added interest

Line your serving platters with leafy lettuce. It adds a beautiful touch, keeps food from slipping around on the plate, and it absorbs grease

Olives and olive sprigs make a gorgeous compliment to bread dipping oils and salads

Grate chocolate and sprinkle it over your favorite dessert or coffee

Fried Garnish: This can also be done with an ingredient of your dish or plainly with onions and potatoes by slicing them thinly and frying until they are crisp. For desserts, use thin fried slices of dough, or fried rice noodles as a crispy fried garnish. Pile crispy fried garnishes high on top of the main item.

Soups: Creamed or pureed soups need a garnish to add interest to their bland, uniform texture and color. Swirl heavy cream, plain yogurt or sour cream on top of soup to make an artistic pattern. Use a single ingredient or a combination to garnish soups


Whether chopped, flaked, toasted or fried - offer an abundance of flavor, texture and color and make an ideal garnish for many dishes.

Toasted, flaked almonds make an attractive garnish for rice and curry dishes, giving  a contrast in texture and color. Brown the flaked almonds on a baking tray either in a hot oven or under the grill (broiler)
Whole, halved or finely chopped walnuts add flavor and are and attractive garnish to many salads, green vegetables, and can even be finely chopped in savory butters for fish.
Pistachio nuts are a delicate pare green in color and have a sweet, pleasant flavor. They can be used to garnish desserts.
Pine nuts are delicious fried in butter and then sprinkled over vegetables or salads or into spicy vegetable soups.
Desiccated or flaked coconut, toasted is traditionally used as the accompaniments to curries. Sprinkled over a tomato salad, it offers both a flavor contrast and a crunchy texture.
Hazelnuts have a very distinct flavor and are most delicious toasted and skinned. Finely chopped, they make a crunchy coating or sprinkled over vegetables. Flaked, can also garnish soups and salads.

Soaking fresh vegetable / leafy garnishes in cold water for 30 minutes helps preserve them and keep them crisp and fresh. After soaking, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate till needed.

For more detailed and picture illustrations you can check out -

Present your Plate

Now that you have started experimenting with my recipes its high time you think about inviting your friends out for a weekend brunch or for a dinner tonight........

I am sure you ve heard about " You Eat with your Eyes First"...part of serving good food is a great presentation. The food should appeal your eyes...ears and nose...You really don't have to be trained professional chef to learn the basic of plating your dishes..which is nothing but the Art of Presenting your Food in an amazing and attractive manner


Sketch the presentation to help you visualize the platter. You might just draw it visually or need a pencil / pen drawing to help you ( But most important plan your menu well in advance to continue with these steps)


Set / Arrange your table properly with all the cutlery needed for having your menu and appropriate glasses ( in case you are serving wines / other drinks)...Let your personal sense of style - colors and fashion help you to set your table.....Just like what you want to wear or what the "Color Pick of the Day"....

For more detailed notes you can check on


You must have seen most chefs using White or light colored plates for serving....its not compulsory but it just helps to enhance the visual appearance of the food color while dishes with bold patterns can hide your food / distract your visual sensory away from your food
But while sticking on the traditional white plate is being safe, for Summers you can try out Bold colors say for BBQ' a red plate for baked potatoes with a dollop of sour cream and a very beautiful color presentation

In case you are serving the platter as a whole ( rather than making it self service) start arranging the food from the center of the plate moving outwards. This increases the appealing factor and also prevents the server from sticking his/her thumb in the food

Also remember to pre-heat your plates by placing them in the oven (please check for microwave safe dishes) if serving hot
If you are serving cold foods, cool your dishes in the fridge or freezer for a bit

Make sure your serving plates are big enough to let each food item stand out, but small enough that the portions don’t look tiny

Here is a link on how to plate a pasta -

Some of the useful links that ay help you choose your plates ....


Think about the plate as a face of the clock....So at 11:00 goes your carbos (roti, rice , pasta etc)...Vegetables at 2:00 and the protein ( pulses , legumes, meat, fish) at 6:00

I have taken this pic from a hotel s website - just to give you guys a brief idea about Clocking the Food

Below given is a more conventional method know as the "Smiley Face" where the meat and the veggies have been interchanged with their positions

You can also split the plate up in creative ways.

-Pie Style: Divide the plate into "slices" for a classic look. Each part has it's own slice. Get creative by getting as close to the center of the plate as possible.
-Half & Half: Think of a horizontal line dividing your plate in the middle. The main part of the dish should be the focal point for the dinner, with the supporting side dishes rounding out the plate.
-Vertically: You can always build your plate "up". Use a side dish such as spinach, pasta or mashed potatoes as your base and perch proteins and sauces on top


While serving finger foods / starters such as kebabs ....tikka's place odd numbers...there is nothing specific about this, just that it looks more appealing than the custom even numbers - Unless you have just made 4 kebabs for 4 people


Play with colors and textures......bring out the Creative You from within.....
Certain colors enhance our enjoyment of food because we have linked the taste of a food with a color, even if it differs from that food’s natural color. A prime example of this is butter, which in its original state can be nearly white, but for commercial purposes is dyed yellow (often using annatto dye) because it is seen as more appealing

Like for example if you are serving Pesto - Pasta you can color with with Red peppers / cherry tomatoes....or may be the napkin can be red colored ...just to compliment the color coordination Or if you are serving plain rice you can add a dollop of ghee or sprinkle some finely chopped cilantro / coriander leaves .......or how about placing some lemon it a calm effect

Similarly mix and match textures.......varying textures can bring on loads of feel and visual appearance to your plate while serving something smooth you can top it with a crunchy garnish and vice versa .....similar to your Physics rule of "Opposites Attract"


This is the final touch to your project and the easiest way to spruce your plates.....but dont loose sight of your recipe that you've made

Usually the best and the easiest way to garnish a dish is to use an ingredient's from your dish .....for which you could always reserve some pieces that you are using......
(For more detailed notes please refer the "Garnishing Your Way" Section)

So now you are all set to spread a lavishly elegant meal to our loved one's...Enjoy !!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Vegetable Manchow Soup

I in particular don't have an affinity towards soups....but my hubby does not mind taking them , not that he loves them...its just another character in his Diet Play

I am sure you guys must have tried authentic Chinese is one which is Indo - Chinese style, and you require

1 medium Carrot ,finely Chopped      
1/4 small Cabbage, finely Chopped    
1 medium Bell pepper, finely chopped  ( you can choose the color you want to)
50 gms Tofu, finely chopped  ( Add paneer if you are not used to Tofu)
 3 Mushroom, finely chopped    
1 cup Boiled Noodles                      
2 - 3 Spring Onions, finely chopped  ( separate the white and the greens)
 7 - 8 cloves Garlic, finely chopped  ( I eliminated this as I am not very used to eating garlic)
1/2" Ginger, finely chopped          
1 JalapeƱo, finely chopped        
4 cups Vegetable Stock ( You can also use water , but there might be variations in taste)
Salt - To taste
1/2 Tsp White Pepper Powder ( You can also use black pepper)
1/2 Tbsp Red Chilly sauce                    
2Tbsp Cornflour                                
3Tbsp Soy Sauce                               
1Tbsp Vinegar                                    
2Tbsp + For Deep frying - Oil                                            

Heat oil in a wok (Kadai) and fry boiled noodles until golden and crisp. Drain and keep aside
Heat 2Tbsp oil in another pan and add spring onion (white), ginger - garlic and green chillies, saute for a minute
Add Carrot , cabbage, bell peppers, Tofu / Paneer, mushrooms and vegetable stock/water
Stir in salt and let it come to a boil
Add in pepper powder along with the sauce - soy and red chilly and simmer it for  2 - 3 mins
Mix cornflour in a little stock / water and add to the coup, stirring continuously to avoid lumps
Cook until the soup thickens
While serving add vinegar and spring onion greens and crushed fried noodles
Serve hot

This can be followed with Fried noodles / rice or a sizzler.......

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kiwi Panna - Home Bar

Kiwifruit commonly know as Kiwi is a rich source of Vitamin C, Raw kiwifruit is also rich in the protein-dissolving enzyme actinidin, which is commercially useful as a meat tenderizer

P.S: People allergic to latex, papayas or pineapples are likely to also be allergic to kiwifruit

Serves 2

 4 Kiwi                           
A few Fresh Mint springs      
A few Cilantro Springs         
1/2 tsp Roasted cumin seeds  
1/2 " Chopped Ginger         
3-4 Roasted peppercorns  
Sugar and salt -To taste
Black Salt - To taste
1/2 tsp Lemon juice                

Roast Kiwis in an oven until soft and once done allow it to cool
Peel the skin and pulp it by hand
Grind mint, coriander, cumin seeds, ginger, peppercorns to a paste
Blend kiwi pulp with sugar, salt, black salt and lemon juice
Stir in mint-coriander paste and strain. Add water as required and keep in refrigerator
Serve chilled in old fashioned glasses


You can also add 1/2 tsp Bhang paste and grind it along with mint - coriander paste for a Holi drink

Home Bar III: Fig and Rose Shake

Here is one of my hubby's fav milkshake ......Try it and let me know how does it works for you .....

Fig and Rose Shake
Serves 2

5-6 Dried Figs            
2Tbsp  Gulqand  ( sweet rose petal preserve) You can use the Kohinoor brand available in Indian stores

  2 -3 Tbsp Water                
  2 cups Chilled Milk      
Ice Cubes- As required           

In a blender pour in water along with figs and gulqand and blend well
Once done, pour in milk and ice cubes and churn it again until done
Serve it chilled in frozen glasses

You can vary the quantity of Gulqand according to your taste, also you can add sugar if desired
You can also use frozen taste great, but eliminate the ice cubes while using frozen milk

Monday, May 9, 2011

Home Bar II

I was just going through the Stats of my blog and saw the reader's inclination towards the Home Bar Counter....So thought let me write in some of my previously experimented stuffs

WaterStraw Smoothie
 Serves 4

4 cups Fresh Watermelon cubes  
1/2 cup Strawberry Crush            
 1/2 " piece Ginger ( You can also add 1tsp of dried ginger powder instead)
10 Fresh Mint leaves            
Ice Cubes -As required
 A pinch of Pepper                           

Freeze the watermelon cubes for 20 - 25 mins 

Combine the freezed cubes along with Strawberry , ginger and ice cubes and Blend 
Add Mint and blend again until smooth
Serve chilled and garnish with mint and strawberry or with ginger Julienne  


You can also use dried mint leaves ( 1Tbsp) instead of fresh ones
In case you want to use Fresh Strawberries...cut them and add 3 Tbsp of sugar and keep them aside for a while alternatively you can puree strawberries along with sugar or heat sugar along with water and add pureed /cut strawberries and use it accordingly

Mother s Day Special

Happy Mothers Day to all the lovely Mom's out there.....have you every wondered how did it come into Existent....

"One of the early calls to celebrate a Mother's Day in the United States was the "Mother's Day Proclamation" by Julia Ward Howe. Written in 1870, it was a pacifist reaction to the carnage of the American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War. The Proclamation was tied to Howe's feminist belief that women had a responsibility to shape their societies at the political level."

In United States, its celebrated on the Second Sunday of May,while there are countries which coincide it with existing celebrations honouring motherhood, like Mothering Sunday in the UK or, in Greece, the Orthodox celebration of the presentation of Jesus to the temple (February 2). In some countries it was changed to dates that were significant to the majority religion, like the Virgin Mary day in Catholic countries, or the birthday of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad in Islamic countries

So today, here are some recipes for our Great Mom's toasting to their Long lives ..........Love you Momma


Many women have problems with their Hemoglobin(Hb) levels, so here s simple and easy to make recipe with the Iron (Fe) richness of spinach and Tomatoes ,Calcium from Panneer packed with a difference!

Serves 6


For the spinach layer
3 cups chopped spinach (palak)
½ cup chopped tomatoes ( Finely )
½ cup chopped onions (Finely)
½ cup boiled tender corn kernels
2 green chillies, finely chopped
1 Tbsp Butter
salt to taste

For the potato layer
2 cups boiled and grated potatoes
½ cup crumbled paneer (cottage cheese)
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon chopped coriander
1 green chilli, chopped
salt to taste

Other Ingredients

  1 tomato, sliced
1 teaspoon fresh cream
3 tablespoons grated cheese  - I used Cheddar but you can try with other variations
 ½ teaspoon oil for greasing

To Proceed :

For the spinach layer

  • Heat butter in a pan and saute the onions for a minute. Add the green chillies 
  • Add the spinach and cook for 1 minute and then add chopped tomatoes and saute for a minute
  • Now add the corn and the seasoning , mix well and set aside

For the potato layer

  • Mix all the ingredients well


  • Pre heat Oven at 230°C (450°F)
  • Take a baking dish and grease it evenly
  • Layer it with the potato mixture followed with the spinach and corn mixture 
  • Place the tomato slice and spread the cream
  • Sprinkle cheese and bake for about 10 - 15 mins or until the cheese turns color
  • Serve hot with Garlic bread / Bread sticks 
 Note: let me know if you are looking for a modified Indian Spicy version for the same....

Since We have given our Mom's enuf dose of Fe...need to add something that helps in absorption of Fe....and  here it is


A tasty and delightful drink prepared using khus syrup, rose syrup, lemon and orange juice
Serves : 4

1/4 cup Khus syrup
1/4 cup Rose syrup
1/4 cup Orange squash
1 cup Sugar       
1/2 cup Lemon juice
Fresh mint leaves to garnish

Take Khus , Rose and Orange in 3 separate bowls and dilute them with 2 - 3 Tbsp water
Pour these in 3 different trays and set them to freeze
Meanwhile heat equal quantities of sugar and water to form the syrup, once it starts to boil set aside to cool

For the Final Touch 

Take tall glasses and pour 2Tbsp of lemon junice, add a Tbsp of sugar syrup to each ( you can add more depending on the sweetness you want ) along with 2Tbsp water. Mix well
Top it along with the colored ice cubes and mint leaves for garnish
Serve Chilled